Monday, March 16, 2009


For me art is everything; from the most beautiful picture to the wrinkles of the oldest woman in the world; from the sound of the birds until the horn of a car; from the photograph of a landscape to a blurry photo...

Everything around us is art! Music, photography, film, painting, interior design, graffiti, literature, sculpture, ceramics, mosaic...This is just a small part of art. The art is found in things large and small ... the image of a snowflake or an atom is art! The Earth view by the astronauts of the space stations is also art!


The music makes us feel and remember! When you listen a song you can be sad or really happy!

The piano is my favourite instrument and when I play the song River flows in your it reminds me the special thing of the world.

The Canto del Loco is my favourite band. In my first concert, the first song that sounded was Personas, so every time I hear and I remember that night. Another song from the Canto del Loco is Insoportable, my favourite song. This song reminds me when I was little and I felt sad. Peter Pan is a Canto del Loco's song too. I like it a lot because I remember when I was small and I was disguised with my friends.


Photography allows us to capture images funny, horrible, sad, beautiful ... in just a moment.

My favourite pictures are of many colours or that are taken by surprise.

One of the most beautiful pictures for me is a kiss from a boy to a girl taken at the Hotel Ville square in 1950 taken by Robert Doisneau. I don’t know why but I really like it!


Pop art is one of the styles that I like more.

But The renaissance, along with sketches of da Vinci are also very good to me. The expressions of the faces are impressive.

Although it is almost always religious reasons, I admire these paints because with the few resources they had they were able to portray as, if they were photographs, the scenes.

Adriana *.*

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