Monday, February 16, 2009

We have a lot of important Sports, for example basketball, football… but the most important Sports in our city is Baseball.

Baseball is a play between two teams
of nine players each other. The goal of baseball is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or diamond. Players on one team take turns hitting against the pitcher on the other team. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and hope to score on a teammate's hit. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team gets three outs. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.

In Viladecans we have a team of Softball (is the same as baseball but for girls), the team won a lot of competitions:

Competitions 2007
Campeonas Campionat de Catalunya Sóftbol DH Sénior
Competitons 2006
Campeonas Liga Nacional División de Honor 2006
2º puesto - Copa de Su Majestad la Reina - Viladecans (Barcelona)
7º puesto - Copa de Europa Serie A - Bollate (Itália)
Mejor equipo femenino de Viladecans de la temporada 2006
Competitons 2005
Campeonas Liga Nacional División de Honor 2005
Campeonas de la Copa de Su Majestad la Reina - Viladecans (Barcelona)
6º puesto - Copa de Europa Serie A - Macerata (Itália)
Competitons 2004
Campeonas Liga Nacional División de Honor 2004
Campeonas de la Copa de Su Majestad la Reina - Rivas Vacia-madrid (Madrid)
6º puesto - Copa de Europa Serie A - Viladecans (Barcelona)
Campeonas Liga Catalana
Campeonas de la Super Copa Catalana
Mejor equipo femenino de Viladecans de la temporada 2006
Competitons 2003
Campeonas Liga Nacional División de Honor 2003
Campeonas de la Copa de Su Majestad la Reina - (Pamplona)
4º puesto - Copa de Europa Serie A - Forlí (Itália)
Campeonas Liga Catalana
Campeonas de la Super Copa Catalana
Competitons 2002
Campeonas Liga Nacional División de Honor 2002
3º puesto - Copa de Su Majestad la Reina - Rivas Vacia-madrid (Madrid)
6º puesto - Copa de Europa Serie A - Macerata (Itália)
Campeonas Liga Catalana
Campeonas de la Super Copa Catalana
Competitons 2001
Campeonas Liga Nacional División de Honor 2001
2º puesto - Copa de Su Majestad la Reina - Rivas Vacia-madrid (Madrid)
6º puesto - Copa de Europa Serie A - Amsterdam (Holanda)
Campeonas Liga Catalana
Campeonas de la Super Copa Catalana
Competitons 2000
Campeonas Liga Nacional División de Honor 2000
2º puesto - Copa de Su Majestad la Reina
In Catalonia, other important sports are football and basketball. In Spain we have important players in that sport, for example: in basketball we have Ricky Rubio. He is a young player that participation in the Olympic Games and he plays in DKV Juventud. He is the best player in the world that isn’t in the NBA. Bojan Krkic is a football player. He is very young and plays in FC Barcelona with other important players as Messi.

That it’s our sport world!!!
Irene & Adriana


  1. HELLOO!!!!
    I'm very mad...hahaha XD
    i don't remember were i'm doing here. XD

    I don't like to read blogs are very long... XD
    see you soon...

  2. we also play football and basketball, we like barchelona and BAYERN we dont play baseball here but we would like to learn it. We have noticed that you have won lots of championships. nice blog!
