Thursday, January 22, 2009

My neighbourhood, my city!


I’m Irene and I’m going to tell you how is my city, Viladecans.

Viladecans is a city near of one of the most importants cities cities in Spain, Barcelona.
It’s situated in the region of the “Baix Llobregat” and it has 64000 inhabitants approximately.

My city has got a coastal area with a large beach. This has got ecological importance, because of its animal and vegetal richness. Viladecans has got mountain area too; it is characterized by its pine forests. On the other hand, in the centre of the city or near of it, there are another places of entertainment to visit and have a great time with friends or family. For example, “Atrium”, it is a big installation with many uses: it is a sport centre (there are swimming pools, gym...) and a theatre (many important plays have performed in there) at the same time. There are a cafeteria and a sport shop too. Another important places in my city are the library, the cinema, the “Torrente Ballester” park, the city hall, the baseball camp( the baseball team is one of the best of Catalonia) , the “Torre del Baró” (the oldest Viladecans building, it was built in XII century), “Torre Roja” ( a medieval fortification)...

The most important festivals in Viladecans are the city fiesta (5 to 11 of September) and the festival on the street (it is in summer and consist in that many theatre companys come to Viladecans and perform their plays on the street).

My flat is situated in one of the mos beautiful areas of Viladecans (in my opinion), but it is a bit far of the centre of the city. I live in front of another city, Gavà. The thing that characterized my street is the large avenue called “Riera Sant Llorenç (this separated the two cities, Viladecans and Gavà). At the end of the avenue I can see a beautiful mountain, Begues. I think my neighbourhood is quite peaceful, because my street doesn’t have a lot of traffic, and people, in general are nice and kind.

Finally, I like telling you that I think Viladecans is a nice place to visit and have a great time.

I hope you like it.


  1. hello!how are you?i thnk you have right!Viladecans sounds like afantastick city!

  2. nice text.from your words, your city seems very nice.i might visit it one day.

  3. we would like to see a foto of your city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hello Adriana and Irene. We're Jessica and Cristina, this is our blogger ^^
    Until tomorrow
    Kisses =)

  5. The most popular sport in our country is football.We like playing football a lot,as a hobby,Greg enjoys watching it,me(panos)not at all,because i feel bored to sit and watch a whole match except for the national team.Greg is Panathinaikos,me(panos)olympiacos.Greg also likes basketball,i prefer it too.
    The bad thing with the sports in our country is that we face big problems of hooliganism.
    They break cars,shops or they fight each other hard.We have a lot of injuries because of this fights.
    We dont like any player.Thats all from us.Write back soon

  6. hi irene iam kostas from etwinning in want to see a foto of your city xD.......
